Pepper disorders and diseases
Peppers must be free of diseases and disorders. Customers are willing to purchase healthy fruits. Furthermore, fruit that looks good on the outside but presenting internal brown flesh or soft texture will not lead to happy customers. Starting point is a healthy fruit at harvest. But also postharvest there are dozens of different diseases and disorders, which are not always easy to recognize. A good diagnosis is important. By recognizing the symptoms of a disease or disorder, it can be linked to the cause. After which, measures can be taken to prevent the disease or disorder from happening again in the future.

Disease management
Identification of disorders and diseases usually takes place by carefully looking at the symptoms. Some symptoms are visible from the outside, while others can only be found internally after cutting the fruit. It is important to detect the quality issues as early as possible in the supply chain to reduce further incidence. These quality issues should be reported back in the chain to correct the source of the cause. Retailers can also benefit from knowledge about disorders they may encounter. For them, it is important to know whether the cause lies in a previous stage in the supply chain or is due to their own operations. Common causes of deterioration of peppers are dehydration, bruises, moulds and rots.