Postharvest publications
Research in the agrifood domain is ever moving ahead. New insights, new innovations, new results are being created as we speak. In this part of the FreshKnowledge.eu website, our researchers give an overview of the scientific knowledge applicable for practice in the form of longreads or video presentations. Relevant research results can be found here as well. If you want to know more about these topics, please reach out to us by using the button at the bottom of the screen.
On this page you can find our 'longreads', articles created by our team members to give more detailed information about a topic relevant to practice. We hope you enjoy them!
Research summaries
Results from research projects are often described in long detailed scientific publications or reports. On this website, we will present research results in the form of factsheets that are meant to be easy to read and easy to apply. Most research results on our page contain links to the detailed reports, in case you want to read more. Of course, our researchers can be contacted as well to help you solve your problems with our expertise.
Researcher talks
One of the things that we find important and inspiring to do, is to tell about new insights on conferences, fairs, seminars or workshops. Videos of these talks are sometimes recorded. We present them on this website as a means to provide you with research results.