Retail practices for melon
Improved retail practices can lead to a higher quality of melons and improve customer satisfaction. For the highest freshness on the shelf and to minimize waste, 'first-in first-out' management may be the best strategy. However, quality inspections may lead to other decisions. The staff must be well trained in handling the different types of fresh produce. They must realize that fresh products are very susceptible to handling damage and to unfavourable conditions such as too low or too high temperature.

Convenient and tasty melons
Melons are officially a vegetable, but are more often classified as a fruit. This 'fruit vegetable' has convenience and taste as important drivers for consumption. There are many types of melons, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, galia and honeydew. Preferences vary per country and consumer groups. Melons are generally eaten mature when the flesh becomes sweet. The flesh is then watery. Taste and (constant) quality are determining factors for purchasing. Well-ripened, sweet melons are usually preferred. Retailers have an important responsibility as part of the melon supply chain to offer good quality melons to consumers. Consumers will only re-purchase melons when appearance and flavour are appreciated.